Summer is here and everyone expects us to be out having a great time at beaches, kissing waves and watching babes.
We haven't though.
We've been working.
Working on our music, on our album, on our love life ( applicable only to Paolo, Nescel and Benjo. haha)
But seriously, if you've been wondering where TLJ has been these past few weeks, we've been around, contacting people from Cebu City and working with personalities, organizations and other bands as well.
By the way before anything else, we want to make special shout outs to the people who have helped us out lately and very significantly to add to that:
Sir Ian Zafra for the wisdom and support you have shared to us. We consider you to be a mentor beyond compare.
Roy Sevilla Ho for your wonderful insights and one of a kind perspective.
Nong Natz for making sure that the album output comes out the best way it possibly can.
This afternoon we just finished another mixing session. We really want to make this album work out well, not only for ourselves, but for you guys, so you too can keep enjoying our music as much as we enjoy playing them.
here are some snapshots.

Thank you guys for your undying love and support. Char. Peace!